Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Me and My Ukulele

OK this is funny

I am so mad I just typed this whole blog out and i didn't save it and all my wittiness i wrote is now gone. I will try to recapture what I previously typed, but I know it wont be the same. anyway.....

Ok this is scary!  I had a bit of stage fright while recording this from my web cam..HA I don't even have makeup on and here I am putting this out for the world to see. I really am not trying to impress anyone, I am just having fun and want to share what I have been doing ,since I have not been working or surfing. I don't take my self too seriously, but I know the people who follow this blog already know that! Plus this really makes for good entertainment.

I thought I share my ongoing progress on the uke. I am not very good but I am trying. I have really come a long way and I remember when I could not even get 2 chords. I know a few chords not all, and really not a lot compared to how many there are.. BUT I HAVE PROGRESSED! I still need some work on my strumming.. I seem to have the same strum pattern for every song.

I also use to look at my hands to make sure my fingers were positioned right on the strings. I have a long way to go, I know I am a work in progress. BUT I am also so proud of me for doing this and trying something new. I love twanging along on my uke... even if my family does not.

Well if the first video didn't make you run for the hills, here is a second one. With my dog as my back up " barker"!
I would really like to see some video of our friend Surf Sista banging away on the drums! Maybe one day we can have a jam session! Although I am sure you are a lot better than I .

Lets pray for some surf shall we!


  1. You won't get any video from me yet. I've only been doing it for . . . what? Two months? But, like you, I'm making some serious progress. Give me some time and then we'll jam!

  2. You're fantastic! You really can play that thing, girl!! I'm so proud of you! It's making me smile!

    1. Awe you made a tear in my eye! Thanks so much! <3 YA!

  3. Well Done! I hope you play me a tune while I'm in town...do you know any Led Zep? :-)

    1. Thank you so much Pabs.. I will try to play you a tune..but sorry very limited catalog and I do not have any Led Zeppelin.....:-(

  4. Replies
    1. Hey Monica it posted twice so I deleted one. THANK you for the compliment! :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Even with my Crappy Ass internet connection here in Nica you sound great! Bravisimo! If you don't want to sing, its okay cuz you are in tune. But next time just throw in a little hum..... Love You!!!!!!!
    Had to sign anonymous, I am so lame at the internet stuff. KO

    1. Yay you got to see it even In Nicaragua!! Since you are my mentor and top gun uke player in my life.. THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO NE!! Thank you.. I was hoping I do you proud.. but yes I still am not singing. When I attempt to sing i am told I am flat. I just cannot multitask..sing, read, strum and follow chords at the same time. I will keep attempting and maybe one day I can sing along like you told me too. <3 Ya Kathleen you really are my inspiration!!!

  7. awesome post!!! love the uke... i'm planning on getting one, but since i returned from hawaii, finances have been low... sigh sigh sigh.

    you should learn to play SURF by ka'au crater boys. it's a song i learned over in HI, and it's really easy!

    1. Thanks KK.. bummed we wont be seeing you next weekend. :*(... any way I looked up the surf song! Very cool!!! Can't find the chords..but I will continue to look. I only know how to follow the chords.. still beginner here!

  8. I have a banjo now that I practice on, but I would really love to have a Ukulele! Watching you play looked like a lot of fun and I could tell you have been practicing the way you move from chord to chord. I have always loved the guitar, but I think this instrument is the best travelling music ever invented! I remember studying about the origin and how the Portugese brought this to Hawaii while they working in the sugar cane fields and the rest is history! http://www.ukulelehut.com/about/a-brief-history-of-the-ukulele/

  9. you made my day :)
    I am very impressed by your learning curve. I think you are very modest and that why everone loves you!!!!
