Saturday, August 15, 2009

Taking this Weekend off

Hey all..
Well I have to say, I decided to take this weekend off. I really hurt my back last Friday. So I think I need to recover a bit. So what exciting things did I do this weekend???? Take my Daughter shopping for back to school.. and got caught up on things around the house.
ALTHOUGH...passing the sticks in my garage.. It killed me to walk by and know I wouldn't be on them =-(...even though there is only one I would consider getting on.. (my friend swears he has yet another board for me to try, bigger.. Because this one is really not the right one... But I trust and have faith in my Natalie who will point me in the right direction where a board is concerned, she feels I am not ready to wean off the embarrassing foamy now).... I only been out 5 times.. so I am not too concerned about it just yet. I do see others on foam it is not too bad.

I was even thinking of just taking the board in my garage out past the break and practice on my paddling..but I guess I will give it a rest for the weekend.. but plan on going out next weekend.
Hopefully I will have more to report then!

Thanks for reading and all the support.. I am actually very surprised at everyone who reads this...quite a few people...WOW..they don't all comment or are followers. But I get shocked every time someone talks to me about what I post.. and I am flattered when they ask, so when is your next post going to be? Thanks everyone!
I will do my best not to let you down!