YAY!!! I got my hands on a computer and internet!
A few short things...
1)Tomorrow is my official last day of employment.. I am hoping for more surf time. a few things here. 1.. bye bye health insurance for a while... bye bye black berry and computer access. Need a new phone and I have a Laptop..(that was not working..but found out it was just my power cord.. Yay!) So need to get that and internet.
But It is kind of nice being off the grid for a bit. Sort of a cleansing of technology.
2) I have not surfed..even though I have had lots of free time.. SURF HAS SUCKED. and not worth the gas to get down to the beach. So now unemployed I have to really be picky and frugal!
3)Again.. I will not be around here as much.. so don't forget me! Please keep positive vibes coming. I will need a new hopefully "FUN" "Lucrative" job soon. I really don't want to be in an office. But we shall see what comes my way!
Until next time... Peace Love and Happiness..and LOTS OF FUN SURF!!!
BUT..if I do get to sneak some internet access..i will do my best to check in from time to time..