Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Me and My Ukulele

OK this is funny

I am so mad I just typed this whole blog out and i didn't save it and all my wittiness i wrote is now gone. I will try to recapture what I previously typed, but I know it wont be the same. anyway.....

Ok this is scary!  I had a bit of stage fright while recording this from my web cam..HA I don't even have makeup on and here I am putting this out for the world to see. I really am not trying to impress anyone, I am just having fun and want to share what I have been doing ,since I have not been working or surfing. I don't take my self too seriously, but I know the people who follow this blog already know that! Plus this really makes for good entertainment.

I thought I share my ongoing progress on the uke. I am not very good but I am trying. I have really come a long way and I remember when I could not even get 2 chords. I know a few chords not all, and really not a lot compared to how many there are.. BUT I HAVE PROGRESSED! I still need some work on my strumming.. I seem to have the same strum pattern for every song.

I also use to look at my hands to make sure my fingers were positioned right on the strings. I have a long way to go, I know I am a work in progress. BUT I am also so proud of me for doing this and trying something new. I love twanging along on my uke... even if my family does not.

Well if the first video didn't make you run for the hills, here is a second one. With my dog as my back up " barker"!
I would really like to see some video of our friend Surf Sista banging away on the drums! Maybe one day we can have a jam session! Although I am sure you are a lot better than I .

Lets pray for some surf shall we!