Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wow that was fun!!!

I surfed today!!! First time in over almost two weeks!!
I had family here and been loving it!!
My son and his family left Sunday:-( yes I'm sad!! He will also be leaving for deployment again soon .. Idk when.. But I know I won't see him until he gets back.. So this good bye was just that much harder:-(
The house is quiet now.. Even though my grandson is here every week!
But nothing like having 10 people in one house!! Mind you not every day ...there was 10 ..sometimes 8.. Sometimes 5... One day it was just me and hubs and we were very confused as to what to do.. Lol....
We loved it!!! And as my friend Laura puts it"True Bliss disguised as chaos"

Well anyway.. I really needed to get back in the H2O... And today was the perfect day for that!!! Crowded.."it's still Spring Break?!?!?" I say very confused!

So I posted on FB that i was surfing Blackies and time.. Asked if anyone wanted to join me.. And I had 3 takers!! Although all my Blackies crew/friends were there.. I'm never alone..
But my Wahines.. Irma, Susan and Betsy joined me..
We ended up south side of pier!!
Because of how crowded North side was!! And tons of shoobies showed up as well :-(
It was an eventful day!! We had a coast guard helicopter practically land on a boat right off pier.. Idk why? Than there were sirens and two fire trucks came to lifeguard station... Again don't know why?
Then at end of surfing cops were called from what i understand due to a football or ball toss of some sort where grown ups were running over children... And someone filming... And filming of said children was not authorized??? Idk drama during shoobie season!...

Back to surf!...

We had south side to ourselves ... And we had a blast!
All of us caught so many rides! I had two waves of the day! Although I stop counting waves after 3...
One last, I took all the way to shore and one of the cute fireman commented on what a nice ride that was all the way in!! " I think he was a fireman" but he did have board shorts on.. But he came from the fire truck area.. And looked to have a fireman t shirt and hat on. I said thanks but it still was not my best today;-)

My best was a long right.. Where I'm working on not standing all the way up crouching down to steer the board.. And to have a bit of style... Idk about the style part.. But I'm working on it...and not looking down at my board... I did this today! But one wave was a great ride due to it!!!
Sun was out... Great vibe.. A few dolphins.. One sea lion.. Water seemed colder but doable!
All this equals one fun day of surf!! Think I will do it again tomorrow... And the next day if I can get away with it ;-)

I have some pix of my "grandma" crawl/pop up... I will post next time.. They were taken last week..
I want to do a separate post on what I really need to work on... Like my pop up..One surf session at a time!!

But here is just a lil something from today.. And what south side looks like.. This was an hour after surf however..
Also got a pix of my friend Mikes kid coming in.. Just realized it was Trent.. I hope it's ok to post it.. I really was just trying to get a pix of the wave.. But my phone was too slow to click it:-0


  1. I surfed there too this morning! I was out there by 7:30, north side, and the crowd wasn't too bad until a bit later. I saw some folks surfing south side and almost paddled over when it started filling up. I should be there tomorrow. I'll look for you- it would nice to say hi!

    1. I may be there by 8:30-9:00 am after I take my daughter to school!
      Please come say hi!! ;-)

  2. Glad you got some. Surf. I have been out of the water for a while, but finally got back in today. Hope to see you soon.

    1. We need to plan another blogger get together!! Maybe San O? Or somewhere near you boys.. I just hope Surf Mama could make up there!!

  3. I try to make improvements every time I go out (there is much to work on with my surfing!). I am also working on my pop-up. Sometimes it is non-existent! I am also working on going up and down on the face..will keep you posted on my success with that! Whats a "shoobie"? Bron

    1. LOL.. Bron I call people who come to the beach for the day..and from everywhere..Not Locals.. Shoobies.. I did a blog post on it a while back. It is a term I learned from watching a Nickelodean kids show when my daugther was young.. Rocket Powers.. I dont know if you heard of it.. They used the term shoobies for the people who come to the beach.. liter and not respect it as us surfer's and locals and people who are at the beach and genuinly love and are concerned for the ocean and sand =-)
