Saturday, August 27, 2011
I remember doing this thing I loved.. what is it called again???.. it made me so happy... It made stress go away.. it helped with my energy level and fitness.. LIFE WAS BETTER WITH IT!.. I NEED IT!! I am forgetting.. what it is.. OH YEAH SURFING!!! I think I am not gonna remember what to do when I get a board in the water again......Well at least I have my surf blog friends to remind me. Thank You!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Part 2 Tim O' Neil's Paddle Out

The Following Link is a post Surfline did on Tim... the best thing about all this.. He went out doing what he LOVED.. I hope when my time comes... I could be just as lucky!
REST IN PEACE TIM! Every time I am at Blackies I will think of you!
Part One of 8/13/11 Doc gave the OK for a paddle out!
Well I am making this a 2 parter because there are 2 separate issues today. My first day back in the water since my Doc approved it. AND a Tribute to a surfer name Tim. I want to give Tim his own post, so I will start with my getting back in the water in almost a month of being out of commission.
Wish the circumstances of me being able to get wet again were under happier times.
I wanted to paddle out for a fellow Blackie surfer and good friend of my husband. But we could not stay for the paddle out. We had a friend coming to do the wood floors and I had to be at work by 10 AM. I did my first Dawn Patrol I believe. Left house at 5:15. it hit the water by 6:30. I went out and did my own thing prior and said a prayer for Tim by where the paddle out took place.
It felt great to be back in the water. Conditions were yucky. inconsistent 2' not really all that great and low tide.
I paddled out and it was not a long paddle out and easy. I was grateful for that. Since the shoulder is still not up to par. THE doc said I could paddle out for 30 to 45 minutes. BUT not to push it.
I caught every wave I went after a total of 3. But the rides were short and bumpy. I did good paddling for the waves. First 2 no prob. I felt I really sucked though took me a while to get up. I felt fine paddling for the wave. I think because that is what I was concentrating on. When I went to push up ..that is when I really felt the pain in my right shoulder/back. After the 3rd wave and about 30 minutes. I was almost in tears again. Burning and pulling sensation down my arm. Also sitting out there and looking over my right shoulder hurt my neck too. Those two areas are what hurt the most. It killed me to carry my board out of the water. Thank goodness my hubs was there to carry it to the Tahoe.
Well At least I did that..and got my gills wet.. and MY HUSBAND said "hey you are a lot better than last time I saw you, and you are getting up faster." I said "really and today I felt I totally sucked. I didn't even really ride a wave. I am much better than what you just saw." SO that made me happy! I got a compliment from my hubs who has not seen me surf in quite some time. SO I guess I am progressing quite nicely. today I didn't have any fun lefts... I was a bit bummed about that too!
After I felt all my therapy went down the tubes, I was in the same amount of pain as before. Killed me to pull off my wetsuit. I was so frustrated!! I guess it takes time to heal...ugggghhhh! Came home and took a nice soak in the tub and some Ibuprofen and feeling a tad better now.
OH and the new wetsuit..I went one size up.. just a tad to big..but usable. I guess I am in between sizes ..So I either need to lose weight to fit into one that I cant zip, Or gain weight to fill in my new one just a bit. LOL
AND I also learned, I can get to the beach and back and still make it to work on time. IF I want to drive over 70 miles round trip for a morning surf sesh.. OH this could be a bad trick I just learned.. ;-)
Wish the circumstances of me being able to get wet again were under happier times.
I wanted to paddle out for a fellow Blackie surfer and good friend of my husband. But we could not stay for the paddle out. We had a friend coming to do the wood floors and I had to be at work by 10 AM. I did my first Dawn Patrol I believe. Left house at 5:15. it hit the water by 6:30. I went out and did my own thing prior and said a prayer for Tim by where the paddle out took place.
It felt great to be back in the water. Conditions were yucky. inconsistent 2' not really all that great and low tide.
I paddled out and it was not a long paddle out and easy. I was grateful for that. Since the shoulder is still not up to par. THE doc said I could paddle out for 30 to 45 minutes. BUT not to push it.
I caught every wave I went after a total of 3. But the rides were short and bumpy. I did good paddling for the waves. First 2 no prob. I felt I really sucked though took me a while to get up. I felt fine paddling for the wave. I think because that is what I was concentrating on. When I went to push up ..that is when I really felt the pain in my right shoulder/back. After the 3rd wave and about 30 minutes. I was almost in tears again. Burning and pulling sensation down my arm. Also sitting out there and looking over my right shoulder hurt my neck too. Those two areas are what hurt the most. It killed me to carry my board out of the water. Thank goodness my hubs was there to carry it to the Tahoe.
Well At least I did that..and got my gills wet.. and MY HUSBAND said "hey you are a lot better than last time I saw you, and you are getting up faster." I said "really and today I felt I totally sucked. I didn't even really ride a wave. I am much better than what you just saw." SO that made me happy! I got a compliment from my hubs who has not seen me surf in quite some time. SO I guess I am progressing quite nicely. today I didn't have any fun lefts... I was a bit bummed about that too!
After I felt all my therapy went down the tubes, I was in the same amount of pain as before. Killed me to pull off my wetsuit. I was so frustrated!! I guess it takes time to heal...ugggghhhh! Came home and took a nice soak in the tub and some Ibuprofen and feeling a tad better now.
OH and the new wetsuit..I went one size up.. just a tad to big..but usable. I guess I am in between sizes ..So I either need to lose weight to fit into one that I cant zip, Or gain weight to fill in my new one just a bit. LOL
AND I also learned, I can get to the beach and back and still make it to work on time. IF I want to drive over 70 miles round trip for a morning surf sesh.. OH this could be a bad trick I just learned.. ;-)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Still Out of Commission =(
So the shoulder is still not working.. been going to the chiropractor for a week now. My schedule is every other day. Some things feel better and some things feel bruised and feels like the pain is traveling, as he is working on one area, the next day I feel pain in another. Apparently I am pretty out of sorts... 2 pinched nerves in the neck. 2 ribs out of alignment a few discs out of whack. I guess that is what happens when you get thrown off your surfboard when you are in your 40's. BUT even though it hurts to lift a 1 liter water bottle with my right arm... AND... I have been put on hiatus from surfing and running till further notice. I still want to go out in the water even if it is for 20 minutes. I AM DRYING OUT HERE! I need it!
I think I may attempt a lil something tomorrow just to get wet. Doc did approve for me to attend a paddle out for my husbands friend this Saturday. Just wish it was happier circumstances to get on my board.
Any other surfers frequent chiropractors? I would like to hear from you and your stories. This is my first chiropractic adventure and was not sure about it. GUESS I am or was expecting immediate relief. ALL I have to say it Thank Goodness I finally got some health insurance and he takes it.
I think I may attempt a lil something tomorrow just to get wet. Doc did approve for me to attend a paddle out for my husbands friend this Saturday. Just wish it was happier circumstances to get on my board.
Any other surfers frequent chiropractors? I would like to hear from you and your stories. This is my first chiropractic adventure and was not sure about it. GUESS I am or was expecting immediate relief. ALL I have to say it Thank Goodness I finally got some health insurance and he takes it.
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Say hello to my lil surfing friend. aprox 200lb 8' thresher shark..with probably a 6' tail.
OK so my friend took this picture while surf fishing..just on the other side of Newport Pier. hmmm I surf there from time to time.
Now Threshers are not "harmful" to humans and have a small mouth. But a few things here. 1) it is a wild animal and has teeth, 2)if that popped up next to me while surfing I would definitely need to change my wetsuit, 3) their tail is more dangerous than their teeth,,there is a folklore or old wives tale about a thresher sharks tail decapitating a fisherman..
..and yes I am still gonna surf there!
Monday, August 1, 2011
I have not posted lately, because I have not surfed, and this is why...

Well First off I want to start with I finally got a new 3/2, see pix above. It is last years model but who really cares? I got it on sale and I think that is great! Now if I can just try it out?!

I was scanning surf blogs and online articles about surfing and this pix was in "hot shots" Yes those would be the meters at Blackies... YIKES..Thought I share with you.
OK so onto me and the why I have not been surfing, besides the fact.. surf really has not looked so great anyway. So I feel I am not missing much. BUT I have not surfed since my last post July 17th. One is my work week seems to be consisting of 7 to 8 to 9 days in a row work with an occasional 2 days off. ON my last couple days off, I went to the OC fair one day. It was fun, I suggest you try the chocolate covered bacon. I had a few Dr. Apts. Nothing serious, just routine. BUT I did have her look at my shoulder on one of these visits. Will get to that in a bit... I have been busy with a mini remodel of my living room. Then this past Sat. I went to the US open. It was the only day I could go, I REALLY WANT TO GO NEXT SUNDAY. But I have to work. Now before you all tell me to call in sick... My coworker had surgery today and it is just the 2 of us in our dept. So it is OK. PLUS first week of Sept. I have a 9 day vacation coming up and she has to work for me. =) Even if I didn't have vaca, it is still ALL GOOD!. Sunday I was considering surfing in the AM..but there is my shoulder issue. YES the same one! So I spent some much needed bonding time with my 17year old daughter. We both needed it!
AND back to my shoulder... well my Doc says she thinks it was a pinched nerve, and I have been doing what she says with the Advil 600 MG 3 times a day and applying heat, and soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salt. I have been BEGGING my son who is a massage therapist to work on my arm/back/shoulder..but our schedules are not in sync. I am trying to figure out where the pain actually is. Seem my neck has a sore spot, my shoulder blade, and the socket area of my shoulder too. With a burning that has turned into a pulling sensation down my arm to my wrist. Hence why doc thinks it is a pinched nerve. I don't know if one thing is causing all this pain. OR if it is 3 separate issues. NOW,I have 3 separate injuries from the past. SO I don't know if they just get aggravated or what.
The last FUN surf sesh at Bolsa is when I hurt myself last and... It is still not better. SO YES.. I finally made an apt. with a chiropractor for this Wed. Mostly because a co-worker had them call me. I guess I have been complaining about the pain for some time, he is sick of hearing me whine..also I am always rubbing my neck or shoulder walking through the golf shop. I am ALWAYS in pain. I can't run it hurts, and I finally got up to 5 miles, it has been about a month since I have ran, and I can feel a difference in my body. I can't do yoga..and don't get me started on weights even 5lb dumbbells. Now Me not being to exercise of course there is the weight gain, But I just feel better and now I am feeling sluggish and just Yucky! I need to be active..I am just not myself if I don't move!
So everyone can relax..I am getting it looked at again.
Between all that and not being able to surf. It is sad when your 14 year old says, you are always mean lately are you going through the change??
AND on that note ladies and gents I will leave you.!
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